Needs & Problematics

Is a private participation in México in culture possible? By Dr. Israel Herrera 2022


The need to form a group in 2016, made up of actors related to, and professional individuals associated with the archaeological discipline. This with the aim of highlighting obstacles and problems that hinder the development of the profession. Among these problems, that of the conservation and rescue of the cultural heritage of our Mayan ancestors, under an approved conceptual model. Their coordinated effort represents from this perspective the axis that will guide the development of the Mayan world, and the field of discipline.

Given the abandonment of hundreds of Mayan sites in the peninsular region and in the countries of the Mayan area, due to the lack of financial, human and willpower resources, it is necessary to join forces and propose an Integral Archaeological Administration (AAI) as a model similar to that of the Ports of Mexico.


The economic barriers for the development of the Yucatan peninsula archaeology.